One of Laumeier Sculpture Park's most beloved sculpture installations along the Art Hike Trail needs your help. Pool Complex: Orchard Valley, installed by acclaimed sculptor Mary Miss, is in need of a clear-out. Sediment and debris collection was made worse by heavy rains in late summer, when the pool completely filled with water. We need your help to clean-up the pool so we can repair the drain.
This volunteer project will be labor intensive, requiring shoveling and hauling the sediment and invasive plant material out of the pool. Laumeier will provide all of the tools and equipment required for the project, including work gloves, water and lunch for volunteers. Volunteers should be age 18+ or accompanied by an adult, and wear sturdy shoes and protective clothing. This project is in collaboration with AmeriCorps, St. Louis.
Saturday, October 15 / 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. / Meet at the trailhead at the lower main parking lot
Project may be postponed due to weather, so registration is required.