Site/Sound Project — Laumeier Sculpture Park


In 2012, Laumeier's In-Residence: Composer Eric Hall created Site/Sound, a compilation of sound pieces created by regional musicians, bands, sound artists and composers. Each artist created an "aural portrait" of one of Laumeier’s sculptures either as a reaction to, in conversation with or as an extension of the work via the medium of sound.

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PARENTAL ADVISORY: Track 64 for Face of the Earth #3 contains explicit content.


Adult Fur / Irene Allen Sullivan / Black Dwarf (Kenny Snarzyk) / Jeremy Zoar Brantlinger and Nathan Elliot Warren / Glenn Burleigh / David Burnett / Camaro / CaveofswordS / Cosmic Afterthoughts / Cup Collector / Damon Davis / Death of Yeti / Justin DiCenzo / Matt Dill / Dinner Music / .e / Mark Early / Christopher Eilers / Ellen The Felon / Billy Emerson / Joe Freeman / Tim Garrigan / Grandpa's Ghost / Darin Gray / Eric Hall / Kevin Harris / Paul Hiatt / Humdrum / Jordan Knecht / Albert Kuo / Jake Leech / Letter to Memphis / Tim McAvin and Johnny Horton / Thollem McDonas / Mister Ben / MSIF / N. Nomurai / N.N.N. Cook / Andy Ortmann / Darren A. Owens / Ra Cailum / Raglani / Rémi Sorbet / Tony Renner / Rosco / Mark Sarich / Shut-in / Chris Smentkowski / Angel and Dana Smith / Spelling Bee / Tory Z. Starbuck / Superfun Yeah Yeah Rocketship / Thomas Sutter / John Tamm-Buckle / Tenement Ruth / The Conformists / The Pat Sajak Assassins / Three Fried Men / Tone Rodent / Charlie Turner / UFO vs USA / Brett Underwood and Audio Vulture / US English / Vimana / Ryan Wasoba / James Weber / Mikey Wehling and the Reverbs / Jay Zelenka