Knots, 1996
fabricated steel
96 x 192 x 84 inches
Laumeier Sculpture Park Collection, gift of Sarah Cavallaro

With Knots, Cosimo Cavallaro deftly re-spins hardcore industrial material as flimsy pool noodles. The entwined bundle of steel tubes exemplifies his interest in the multi-layered concept of birth, using the form of a giant umbilical cord to symbolize the entanglement of human emotions and to express a sense of confusion at our inability, at times, to resolve feelings or articulate thoughts. Cavallaro’s sculptural, linear gesture illustrates his ongoing interest in man’s struggle between need and desire, security and uncertainty.

Sculpture Interaction Guideline: Look, But Do Not Touch


Cosimo Cavallaro was born in Montreal in 1961, and has a successful career as a visual artist and film director. As a director, he received the Director of the Year Award and the Canadian Film Festival Award for Best Video of the Year in 1990. Cavallaro has exhibited at institutions including deCordova Museum and Sculpture Park, Lincoln, Massachusetts; the Denise Bibro Fine Art Gallery, New York; and the Armory Art Center, Chicago.

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